Learners are innovative thinkers who are successful, confident, respectful and caring

Digital Wellness Team Bookings

Digital Wellness Team-Bookings

This page provides schools and educators with the ability to book the Lethbridge School Division Digital Wellness Team for a variety of services, including collaborative teaching (Digital Wellness Teacher), small group intervention (FSW) , professional learning inquiries, and potential for intentional generative dialogue aimed toward enhancing teaching pedagogy.

Our digital wellness team seeks to extend our services and our passion to students, staff, and parents emphasizing the importance of maintaining digital wellness and healthy technology usage to promote overall health and wellness both online and offline. Whether it's working with students, educators, or other professionals, our team offers wide range of services tailored to meet your specific needs. 

If you wish to book our Digital Wellness Teams services for an extended period, please send a personal inquiry via email or direct messaging. We will do our best to adjust our calendars to accommodate your specific request.

Digital Wellness Team Bookings